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Design Thinking

Design Thinking

设计思维是一种创造性的五步解决问题的过程 Institute of Design at Stanford. All GA students, PreK-12, 学习同理心的五步过程(为需求而面试), defining (articulating the need), ideating (generating as many possible solutions to the problem), prototyping (building your ideas), and testing (having users interact with the prototype).

First studied by GA faculty in 2013, 设计思维已经完全融入到GA课程的各个层面, 但在每年举办几次专门的“设计日”期间,它才真正闪耀. During these experiences, 学生和教师在跨年级或跨部门的团队中一起工作,解决现实世界的问题, resulting in opportunities for collaboration, leadership, and critical thinking.

用设计思维来解决问题给了学生一个练习冒险和失败的机会, two critical pieces to a good problem-solving practice. 当学生们看到一个失败的想法给了他们好的信息,可以导致成功的想法, their relationship to the concept of failure changes, and they are more apt to develop resilience, grit, flexibility, and courage.

设计思维借鉴了21世纪的工程和设计方法,并将它们与艺术的思想相结合, tools from the social sciences, and insights from the business world. 这个过程提供了一种粘合剂,将拥有不同技能的团队成员聚集在一起,围绕着一个共同的目标:让他们为之设计的人的生活变得更好.

设计思维启发了我们的学生和教师更深入地思考他们解决问题的方式, 并将继续塑造学院的学习模式.

Earth Day Design
设计思维是一种帮助每个人理解每个问题都有多种解决方案的方法. 你想出各种各样的解决方案,直到你找到一个真正正确的答案,使用你能找到的任何资源. ——Gaby Russomagno,创新和特别项目咨询总监

Design Day Play
This is the future; companies are using these attributes to hire employees, so we need to get our kids on board. 如果我们现在就开始工作,对他们来说迟早会成为自然的. ——Lauren Vanin,五年级老师和全校设计思维促进者


Lauren Vanin Leads GA's Young Innovators

劳伦·瓦宁(Lauren Vanin)将最近一次低年级设计日的领导归功于斯坦福大学(Stanford University)设计学院给她的专业发展机会.school.


Challenge GA (2013-14)

设计思维以学院竞赛的形式引入高中. Students are asked, "How can we turn our house into a home?"

As a result of the year-long process, 高中的每个学院休息室都铺上了个性化的地毯, white boards, charging stations, and art installations.

Middle School Reading Day (September 2015)

After reading Holly Sloan's Counting by 7s“我是谁?对我来说什么最重要??"

The GA Tower (October 2015)

In this Lower and Upper School collaboration, 团队设想了一个塔楼设计方案,它将庆祝学校的历史,并将永远存在.

All-School Design Day (December 2015)

我们已经收集了大量的资源,并制定了跨部门合作计划, students are asked to answer the question, "What are the qualities of a great play experience?"

Teams fill up spaces all over the school with designs, prototypes, and demonstrations of new and improved games.

Humpty Dumpty Challenge (January 2016)


Enrichment Toys for Rescued Monkeys (February 2017)

国际动物保护组织的Gigi Glendinning拜访了四年级的学生, who shared stories about rescued monkeys in the United Kingdom.

Empathizing with the monkeys' need to be mentally stimulated, 学生们设计和制作了具有挑战性和吸引力的玩具.

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